Our Team



Senior VP, Belly Rubs Division
Gibbs is my Assistant Trainer – our beloved yellow lab rescue dog. Gibbs’ primary job is to demonstrate what it means to respond to commands, acting as a role model for the other dog(s) currently in training. Peer pressure in the dog world is a good thing, and makes for a faster, more permanent training exercise.

Four years ago we met Gibbs at the drop-off station on the Maine Turnpike. He had just had a three day journey in a crate in the big rescue van and he was obviously insulted that he had to ride in the crate instead of in the shot-gun seat.

As soon as he got into the back seat of our car with me, he sat as close to me as he could get and began licking my face. That’s when I asked myself, “who rescued whom?” If you want to be appreciated, rescue a dog from the misery of the southern kill centers.

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Kiki head shot


Director of Self Care
Kiki came to us after having been bounced from home to home with what some humans call “issues.” Her previous family (but not the first!) asked me to train her, and I was honored to do so – rescue dogs have a special place in my heart, and deserve all the love and attention we can spare.

When Kiki and I first met, I had to wear gloves and use a muzzle to safely approach her. Three sessions later, she was a calm, trusting and obedient dog. Despite her newfound obedience and loving, positive attitude, her family decided to surrender her. When they told me they were giving her up, I was crushed.

That thought was too cruel for my heart to tolerate, so after she warmed herself into my wife Ronnie’s heart, too, Kiki was officially welcomed into the family, and hired into the family business as an Intern but she was a quick learner. While totally able to be an assistant trainer and provides a productive dynamic to training exercises with other dogs, she is more interested in taking care of herself and naps regularly in the back of my SUV.

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Ronnie Weston

Director of Spoiling

My wife Ronnie completes our team in every way. She loves the dogs as much as I do and pitches in wherever and whenever needed. We (me and the dogs) are extremely lucky.
